These are two artist mannequins based upon the 16" models available in most art supply stores. They are Lightwave objects with parent hierarchy centered on the sphere which corresponds to the abdomen. This sphere is fused with the pelvis and hip spheres. Put the manikins directory inside Toaster/3d/objects. Put the scene files in the scene directory and load as "Manikin.male" or "Manikin.female". Position the figures by `rotating' the individual part objects. `Move' only the TumHipJoi object - it's the master parent. `Moving' anything else will pull the figure apart. If you screw up, clicking on previous key frame will restore your last saved key configuration - or pop out of Layout and jump back in. Many of these limbs are duplicates named to make it easier to work with in Layout, or with two or more figures in the same scene. Suffix initials indicate Male/Female & Left/Right. You may want to customize them to suit your own application - these are pretty simple and dry. They were modeled actual size, 16", but can be scaled up for ergonomic models and will look good in a variety of textures, effects. Spent the last week building these guys as a public service to the Public Pomain. Feedback via Studio Amiga, Compuserve, Portal. Happy trails, -- Jim Pomeroy, Arlington, TX 12/3/91